『3331 TRANS ARTS』は、アジア・オセアニア全域に幅広く設置・配布する現代アートを中心とした企画型フリーマガジン(年6回発行)
“表現が生まれる場には何があるのか? 表現はどこから生まれてくるのか?”
日本各地・アジア・世界をつなぐプラットフォームとしての機能をはたす3331 Arts Chiyodaにしか伝えられない情報を世界に発信していきます。

“3331 TRANS ARTS” is a bi-monthly free magazine focusing on contemporary art and distributed throughout the Asia-Pacific region.
“What is held in the place which gives birth to expression? Where does that expression come from?”, the platform which connects the regions of Japan, Asia and beyond, 3331 Arts Chiyoda, transmits this unique information to the world.
All contents is bilingual, in Japanese and English, while certain sections also include Korean and Chinese, catering for 4 different languages.
Not only is this publication available at major art museums, galleries, record shops and cafes throughout Japan but is distributed to 22 countries around Asia including Korea, China, Taiwan and Indonesia, as well as internationally.