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Home > Schedule > Tamiko Washizu「URAUE no IE」

Tamiko Washizu「URAUE no IE」

Tamiko Washizu「URAUE no IE」
30th Oct.(fri.)- 29th Nov.(sun.), 2020
Reception Party : 18:00 - 19:30 on 31st (sat) Oct., 2020. The artist will be present. Admission free.
Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays
207: Gallery OUT of PLACE TOKIO

Gallery OUT of PLACE TOKIO is very pleased to announce a new exhibition "URAUE no IE" 
by Tamiko Washizu (installation, drawing, sculpture)  for October-November period.

artist statement

This is an exhibition of new works by Tamiko Washizu (b.1945 ) , who is known for her free and stylish style.
She will present drawings and essays spun out of her roots and family history in the form of installations.

The word "uraue" means that the face of an event does not coincide with its inner reality.
For example, what appears to be peaceful and serene is false, and what is not seen is in fact true.
I would like to express my own background as the starting point for my work, 
and various inner landscapes through my grandmother, stepmother and myself in drawing works and installations.

The sound of things that never make a sound. Things that have a presence, but are invisible.
The spaces where people who are now dead lived. A hint of time.
A landscape steeped in memory. A tribute to something that will disappear when its role is over.
It seems to hint at or make us feel a story, but none of these things reach us.

The living, thinking of the dead, quietly pervade every nook and cranny of the mind.
And yet, I try to create an installation that soothes the wounded landscape with a tender expression that seems to land quietly in the heart.

Text: Tamiko Washizu  August 2020

